Implementation of the Tsukuba Area Disaster Drill for AY 2020

A disaster drill will be implemented to try to improve safety, disaster response system verification, and initial response capacity of students, faculty members, and employees of our university immediately following a large-scale earthquake.
Furthermore, the drill will be implemented based on the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in this academic year as follows.Disaster scenario is “Intensity 6 lower earthquake within Tsukuba City” at the end time of the second period (11:25), please take action to protect yourself in a safe place.


Date and time of implementation

November 17, 2020 (Tuesday) From 11:25 (Ending time of the 2nd period) onward



Drill details

On this day, (1) and (2) will be implemented and for (3) to (6) will be implemented as appropriate.

(1) Secure your own safety immediately after earthquake

(Students, faculty members, and employees)

During a disaster, secure your own safety for a period of about 2 minutes including taking cover under a desk. The person close to the door should open the door and secure an evacuation route.


※ When the timing of the implementation comes, an announcement will be made in the event of an earthquake according to each department’s circumstances.


※ An on-site announcement will be made and “Earthquake Disaster Drill App” (reference material) in smartphones, etc. will be utilized as appropriate.


※ An evacuation drill to an outside evacuation site after securing your own safety will not be implemented.

(2)Safety report drill

(Students, faculty members, and employees)

The safety report drill will be conducted using University of Tsukuba Safety Confirmation System (ANPIC) .

A “safety confirmation email” will be sent by a mass email from ANPIC so register from the URL in the mail text or the ANPIC website mentioned in the official website, etc.

(Until November 20 (Friday) 17:00)


University of Tsukuba Safety Confirmation System (ANPIC)

(3) First-aid firefighting

(Faculty members and employees)

Each faculty member and employee should learn about first-aid firefighting with online educational materials provided by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.


First-aid firefighting (Fire Prevention and Crisis Management e-College: Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)



How to use a fire extinguisher (Website of the Office of Occupational Health and Safety Management)

Condition of setting the fire extinguisher in each building (Website of the Office of Occupational Health and Safety Management) (accessible only by staff and faculty of the University of Tsukuba)

(4)Safety check of the evacuation route

(Faculty members and employees)

The evacuation route during a disaster should be checked by each department and cleared if there are things, etc. that will interfere with evacuation.

※Conduct these following the date of this notice until November 27 (Friday).

(5)Check and inspect the handling of emergency supplies

(Faculty members and employees)

Check the operation of equipment, etc. (including wireless equipment, FOMA terminals, and air tents) used during a disaster, inspect the emergency supply storehouse, etc.

※Conduct these following the date of this notice until November 27 (Friday).


(Students, faculty members, and employees)

Each faculty member and employee should learn about first aid with online educational materials provided by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

(For public use) First aid online lecture: Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

※In addition to the above drills, it is possible to have a unique approach for each organization.



※Drill details in each educational organization, area, etc. should be verified after the implementation of the drills and requests, reflections, etc. should be reported to the Division of Risk Management, Department of General Affairs until November 27 (Friday) using Appended Form 1.

※Pertinent materials including this notice should be downloaded from the “Notice about the Implementation of the Tsukuba Area Disaster Drill for AY 2020” in the faculty member and employee-only site.