危険物の取り扱い / Handling of hazardous materials








類別 性 質
第1類 酸化性固体
第2類 可燃性固体
第3類 自然発火性物質及び禁水性物質
第4類 引火性物質
第5類 自己反応性
第6類 酸化性液体










Handling of hazardous materials

Hazardous materials are defined by the “Fire Service Act” as substances that are themselves ignitable or flammable, or that accelerate combustion when mixed with other substances and are classified as categories I-VI according to their properties.
Some hazardous materials are highly hazardous, while others are less so. Therefore, a “designated quantity” is established by the “Cabinet Order on the Regulation of Hazardous Materials (link to external site; Japanese Only) as a standard for the quantity (hazardousness) of hazardous materials. Storage or handling of hazardous materials over the designated quantity may only be conducted in an approved hazardous materials facility (on-campus only; Japanese only).
When storing and handling hazardous materials in quantities of more than one-fifth and less than the designated quantity, notification as a small quantity hazardous materials storage and handling facility is required by the “Tsukuba City Fire Prevention Ordinance (link to an external site; Japanese only).
PIs are required to manage the amount of hazardous materials held in each fireproof compartment (in principle, floor units) so that it does not exceed 0.2 times (20%) the designated quantity. Usually, several laboratories belong to one single fireproof compartment.


Category Nature
Category I oxidizing solids
Category II combustible solids
Category III spontaneously combustible substances and water-reactive substances
Category IV flammable liquids
Category V self-reactive substances
Category VI oxidizing liquids


For more information → List of Hazardous Materials (on-campus only; Japanese only)
→ Designated Quantity of Hazardous Materials (tentative)


Regulations by Building Standards Act

The amount of hazardous materials and high-pressure gases is strictly limited by the Fire Service Act and High Pressure Gas Safety Act and the Building Standards Act.
The buildings of the University of Tsukuba are located in a category2 Residential District, which is a zoning district under the City Planning Act (this district is primarily intended to protect the residential environment, and there are a total of 12 other zoning districts, including category 1 Low-rise Residential District). In addition, the quantity of hazardous materials, if possessed, is regulated by Article 48 of the Building Standards Act (Article 116 and Article 130-9 of the Building Standards Act Enforcement Order).
Since the University possesses a large amount of hazardous materials due to its education, research, and medical treatment activities, it applied to Tsukuba City and was granted a permitted quantity for each of the five districts: North District (Agriculture and Forestry Technology Center), Central District, South District, West District (Hospital), and Kasuga District.
Tsukuba City allows us to hold a certain amount of hazardous materials (including high-pressure gas) for reasons such as “not likely to harm the surrounding environment” and “unavoidable in the public interest.” We ask for your cooperation in not holding more hazardous materials (including high-pressure gas) than necessary.



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